Submissions • May 2024

National Competitive Grants Program

In April 2024, the Australian Research Council and the Department of Education called for feedback on a policy review of the National Competitive Grants Program. DASSH welcomes the opportunity to give feedback to this review. Our Members call for more research funding, including across pure and applied research, and between grants with shorter and longer… Continue Reading»

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Noticeboard Website Tile
Noticeboard • May 2024

The Noticeboard | May update

Welcome to the May edition of the Noticeboard, a monthly update with news and opportunities from around the sector. If you have anything you’d like to share with members please contact our Policy and Communications Officer Rebekah Harms. News from dassh Info and feedback session with Jobs and Skills Australia 11am – 12pm (AEST)Online DASSH will… Continue Reading»

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Noticeboard Website Tile
Noticeboard • April 2024

The Noticeboard | April update

Welcome to the April edition of the Noticeboard, a monthly update with news and opportunities from around the sector. If you have anything you’d like to share with members please contact our Policy and Communications Officer Rebekah Harms. The DASSH Lounge Join the DASSH Lounge, our exclusive LinkedIn group for DASSH Members where we share the latest… Continue Reading»

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Arc Bill Passed
Statements • March 2024

Statement | End to ministerial vetoes at ARC

The Australian Senate has today passed a Bill amending the Australian Research Council Act – removing the minister’s ability to veto research projects except in cases of national security. This comes after 32 ministerial vetoes of mostly humanities projects over a number of years. The Australasian Council of Deans of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities… Continue Reading»

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Ministerial Research Vetoes
News • March 2024

Opinion: Ministerial research vetoes

DASSH President Nick Bisley has written an opinion piece published in Research Professional News calling on Senators to support the Australian Research Council legislative amendments currently before the Senate. The changes are based on recommendations from the ARC Review Panel last year and would bring Australia in line with global standards. The Senate Education and Employment Legislation… Continue Reading»

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Noticeboard Website Tile
Noticeboard • March 2024

The Noticeboard | March update

Welcome to the March edition of the Noticeboard, a monthly update with news and opportunities from around the sector. If you have anything you’d like to share with members please contact our Policy and Communications Officer Rebekah Harms. The DASSH Lounge Join the DASSH Lounge, our exclusive LinkedIn group for DASSH Members where we share the latest… Continue Reading»

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In The News
News • March 2024

In the news: Skills Passport

Research Professional News reports on the DASSH National Skills Passport consultation submission. The article comes on the back of extensive member consultation around the proposed Skills Passport, which DASSH firmly supports. As part of our submission we argued the Skills Passport represents a great opportunity for humanities, arts and social sciences educators to think about… Continue Reading»

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Data Shows Arts Grads Ahead
Statements • February 2024

Want a good job, good pay and a happy boss? Do an Arts degree.

2023 QILT Longitudinal Graduate Outcomes Survey results released  Humanities, arts and social sciences students continue to have outstanding outcomes post-graduation according to the latest Graduate Outcomes Survey.  The 2023 longitudinal together with other Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT) surveys shows employers are highly satisfied, that students have had positive experiences at university followed… Continue Reading»

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Universities Accord Final Report
Statements • February 2024

Statement | Universities Accord

The Australasian Council of Deans of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities acknowledges the work of the Universities Accord Panel culminating in the Final Report released on 25 February 2024.  DASSH members were highly engaged throughout last year and contributed strongly to the consultation process.  There were several key recommendations made by DASSH that have been… Continue Reading»

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National Skills Passport
Submissions • February 2024

National Skills Passport

In February 2024 the Departments of Education and Employment and Workplace Relations asked for feedback on a proposed National Skills Passport. The idea first emerged in the Employment White Paper and was again canvassed in the Universities Accord Interim Report. DASSH Members broadly support the proposal to create a business case around a National Skills… Continue Reading»

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Fees And Funding
Statements • February 2024

Student preferences not fees should drive funding

The issue of university fees and funding has heated up with a number of university bodies calling for big changes in pre-budget submissions. The Universities Accord panel wrote in its interim report that JRG needs to be ‘redesigned before it causes long term damage’, damage that was most obvious in the skyrocketing of fees paid… Continue Reading»

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Noticeboard Website Tile
Noticeboard • February 2024

The Noticeboard | February update

Welcome to the February edition of the Noticeboard, a monthly update with news and opportunities from around the sector. If you have anything you’d like to share with members please contact our Policy and Communications Officer Rebekah Harms. The DASSH Lounge Join the DASSH Lounge, our exclusive LinkedIn group for DASSH Members where we share the latest news,… Continue Reading»

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