Submissions • July 2024

Australian Tertiary Education Commission

In June 2024, the government released a Consultation Paper on the proposed Australian Tertiary Education Commission. DASSH welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the Consultation Paper. Some of the recommendations made by DASSH members include: 

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Submissions • May 2024

National Competitive Grants Program

In April 2024, the Australian Research Council and the Department of Education called for feedback on a policy review of the National Competitive Grants Program. DASSH welcomes the opportunity to give feedback to this review. Our Members call for more research funding, including across pure and applied research, and between grants with shorter and longer… Continue Reading»

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National Skills Passport
Submissions • February 2024

National Skills Passport

In February 2024 the Departments of Education and Employment and Workplace Relations asked for feedback on a proposed National Skills Passport. The idea first emerged in the Employment White Paper and was again canvassed in the Universities Accord Interim Report. DASSH Members broadly support the proposal to create a business case around a National Skills… Continue Reading»

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Australia's National Science And Research Priorities
Submissions • September 2023

Australia’s National Science and Research Priorities

DASSH welcomes the opportunity to give feedback on the draft Science and Research Priorities. We commend the Chief Scientist Dr Cathy Foley AO PSM and her team for their work engaging with diverse stakeholders. The identified priorities cover a wide range of critical challenges and DASSH Members welcome the focus brought to bear on the… Continue Reading»

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Interim Report
News • September 2023

Universities Accord Interim Report

After consultation with members in person and online, we’ve made our submission to the Universities Accord Panel in response to its Interim Report. We encourage you to read it, but we know you’re busy, so we’ve made things easy and summarised it here. We encourage you to share this with your networks! Thank you to… Continue Reading»

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Submission 1
Submissions • April 2023

Universities Accord

The proposed Universities Accord comes at a critical time. Among the many challenges facing the country two stand out as of particular significance: the transition to becoming a genuinely knowledge-based economy and the retention of our vibrant multicultural democracy in an era of rising authoritarianism and declining public trust. Universities, and in particular the arts,… Continue Reading»

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Submission 2
Submissions • December 2022

The Australian Research Council review

An independent review into the Australian Research Council Act 2001 considered the role and purpose of the ARC within the university research system so it can meet current and future needs. The Review considered how the ARC’s legislation can be developed to provide clarity on objectives and processes to drive renewed focus within the organisation.… Continue Reading»

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Submission 3
Submissions • November 2022

Australian Productivity Commission 5-year Productivity Inquiry: From Learning to Growth

The Productivity Commission was asked to review Australia’s productivity performance and recommend a roadmap to assist governments to make productivity-enhancing reforms. This Inquiry is the second in a series, undertaken at 5 yearly intervals – the previous Inquiry was completed in 2017.

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Submission 4
Submissions • August 2022

National Cultural Policy | Joint submission

The National Cultural Policy—Revive: a place for every story, a story for every place was released in January 2022 with a call for feedback. The Deans and Directors of Creative Arts and DASSH made a joint submission. Revive is a 5-year plan to renew and revive Australia’s arts, entertainment and cultural sector. It aims to… Continue Reading»

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Submission 6
Submissions • April 2022

Review of ARC ERA Benchmarking Scale

The Australian Research Council released the ERA 2023 Benchmarking and Rating Scale Consultation Paper in 2022. It sought responses to proposed improvements to the ERA methodology to be adopted for ERA 2023. Including two options for a new ERA rating scale and supporting benchmarks with increased granularity at the top end of the scale and… Continue Reading»

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Submission 5
Submissions • February 2022

Australian Research Council Amendment Bill

The Bill amends the Australian Research Council Act 2001 to remove ministerial discretion in relation to the approval of research grants administered by the Australian Research Council.The Australasian Council of Deans of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (DASSH) supports this Bill amendment and is calling for the Ministerial right to veto individual ARC Discovery Grants… Continue Reading»

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Submission 7
Submissions • December 2021

2021 National Research Infrastructure Roadmap

The 2021 National Research Infrastructure Roadmap was developed by an Expert Working Group led by Dr Ziggy Switkowski, AO. The Roadmap outlines national research infrastructure required over the coming decade to maintain research excellence, increase innovation and translation research outcome and address emerging research challenges.

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