The Noticeboard | September update

Posted in Noticeboard on 13 September 2024

Welcome to the September edition of the Noticeboard, a monthly update with news and opportunities from around the sector. If you have anything you’d like to share with members please contact our Executive Director Jane Ryan.

Last chance to register!

It’s not too late to register for this year’s conference to be held in Adelaide on 18-20 September. This year our focus is on engagement between members, facilitators and presenters. The sessions will be interactive and workshop oriented giving you the chance to talk to colleagues and experts. 

This is a great opportunity to engage in discussion with colleagues from across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand and to gain practical insights into a range of topics impacting our disciplines. 

We’d love to see you, so register now and enjoy a day of programming and dinner with colleagues at the National Wine Centre! 

See here to view the full conference program.

Annual Report 2023-24

We recently released our Annual Report for the 2023-24 financial year. Highlights from the past year include: 

  • The Impact and Outcomes of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities research reports for both Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand 
  • An in-depth research project investigating the trajectory of our disciplines 
  • High level stakeholder engagement, including government and a wide range of peak bodies 
  • Five submissions informed by rigorous data research and eight statements engaging with policy debate 
  • Three in-person member gatherings, online events, as well as the annual conference 
  • The US Perspectives interview series 
  • Establishment of two new Special Interest Groups on artificial intelligence and the future of the Honours program 
  • Greater media coverage, more opinion pieces and a boost in social media following  

Read the Annual Report here.  

National Science and Research Priorities statement

The recently announced National Science Statement and National Science and Research Priorities prioritise research into climate, healthy communities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge systems, the environment and building a secure and resilient nation.  

DASSH welcomes the focus on these important areas and the clear emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration. 

DASSH President Professor Nick Bisley said “The National Science and Research Priorities foreground solutions, innovation, an integrated and holistic approach and a better understanding of the social drivers behind health, climate and democracy.  

“None of these things are possible without a workforce that can think, communicate effectively, problem solve, be analytical or cope with constant change. Innovation is impossible without these things.” 

Read our statement here

In the news 

Stephen Matchett has referenced our submission on Jobs and Skills Australia’s National Skills Taxonomy in a recent article for Future Campus. Matchett made note of our members’ interest in finding ways to incorporate our disciplines into a national taxonomy. He also referenced the Australian Academy of the Humanities’ submission which, in keeping with our own submission, highlighted the value of the humanities in producing skills for the 21st century. 

Read the article here

International student caps 

The Australian government has announced that it will be implementing a 270,000 sector-wide cap on the number of international students who can be enrolled in higher education and vocational education courses from 2025. Universities have already been allocated their individual caps for the coming year, with some releasing these details publicly. Legislation around this policy still needs to pass the Senate.

See here for commentary on this issue and for data on institutional-level caps: 

Andrew Norton | The Conversation

Julie Hare | The Australian Financial Review

John Ross | Times Higher Education

Natasha Bita | The Australian

Waleed Aly | The Sydney Morning Herald

Right to disconnect  

New laws which came into effect on 26 August protect Australian employees who refuse to monitor, read or respond to contact outside their working hours. Other changes will have an impact on the employment of casual staff and psycho-social safety at work. 

Read more here

Regional University Study Hubs 

The Australian government has announced that it will be establishing 10 new Regional University Study Hubs across the country. This is in addition to the 10 Regional University Study Hubs already announced earlier this year. Nominations for the new university hubs are now open, closing 18 October. 

Read more here

National Student Ombudsman 

The Australian government has introduced legislation to establish an independent National Student Ombudsman. The Ombudsman will have responsibility for investigating student complaints and resolving disputes. 

Read more here

DASSH Conference
Wednesday to Friday, 18-20 September
Register here

Join with colleagues from across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand in Adelaide as we explore issues such as interdisciplinarity in teaching and research, partnering on policy, and the importance of community. This year’s Conference will focus on connecting – connecting with other disciplines, connecting with community, connecting with industry, and connecting with each other.

Member gathering
Wednesday 13 November
Register here

Register now for our third member gathering for 2024. We will talk policy, provide professional development and give you the chance to talk to your colleagues from around Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand about the issues that matter most to you.

Join the DASSH Lounge, our exclusive LinkedIn group for DASSH Members where we share the latest news, jobs and opportunities from DASSH and around the sector.

The DASSH Lounge is reserved for members and is a great place to let people know you’re hiring, hosting an event or working on a collaborative project, so feel free to post any updates. You can also use it to simply engage with colleagues in conversation.