Tom is a leading technology and innovation specialist and Fellow of the Institute of Engineers Australia. He is an accomplished Director, Chair and Senior Manager, with extensive experience in governing membership organisations, activating innovation, setting, and documenting strategy, business development and digital disruption. He brings an extensive network of industry, university and government connections, the ability to manage complex stakeholders and partnerships as well as lead national and international teams.
Tom has a proven track record of leveraging innovation, digital transformation and technology research underpinned by deep technical expertise and experience in the technology startup sector and a knowledge of Industry 4.0 technologies.
Tom has experience in ESG with specific focus on the use of digital technologies to accelerate decarbonisation and transition to Net Zero. He has worked for global organisations including Inmarsat, ICO Global Communications and Cisco Systems in the UK and Australia.
Tom holds multiple patents in the field of satellite communications and has experience in ICT including both technical and commercial roles in mobile operators and network vendors.
Tom established and lead Cisco’s Innovation Central Perth program for Australia and New Zealand. He worked with Australian entrepreneurs, startups, and SMEs to accelerate digital transformation and help organisations improve business outcomes by integrating, creating, testing, and validating technology solutions.
Tom is regarded as a technology and innovation leader in the local Western Australia ecosystem. Educated at Curtin University, he is the previous Chair of StartupWA and has significant experience working with and advising local startups and multinationals in Perth. In 2021 he was appointed an Adjunct Professor at Curtin University and a member of the Faculty Advisory Council – Science and Engineering. In December 2022 Tom was elected to the Board of Engineers Australia.