The Universities Accord Advisory Panel has released its Interim Report which identifies five priority actions as well as more than 70 policy ideas for further consideration. The second round of consultation is now open with the Panel due to release their final report in December.

The submission is open ended and asks for the following:

  • Three biggest reflections on the Interim Report (this could include an area you feel the Interim Report has not addressed).
  • Areas of substantive agreement or disagreement.
  • What measures of success could the Panel propose to track the outcomes of Accord recommendations?

DASSH Members are invited to join us and share their ideas and perspectives. Your contributions will form the backbone of the DASSH submission and we welcome all feedback. We will be hosting two in-person and two online consultations. Please note that our in-person events have been particularly successful during previous Member consultations.


Tuesday 1 August
12 – 1:30pm

MELBOURNE | La Trobe University City Campus
Wednesday 2 August
9:30 – 12pm

Thursday 3 August
10:30 – 1:30pm

Tuesday 8 August
10:30 – 12pm