Engagement And Impact Assessment Consultation Paper
Submissions • June 2016

Response to the ARC, Department of Education and Training’s Engagement and Impact Assessment Consultation Paper

The humanities, arts and social sciences disciplines already confront a disproportionate burden in ERA, compared to other discipline groups, given the limits of metrics to adequately represent the quality of our research and the burden on researchers and peer assessors in evaluating peer reviewed disciplines. Nonetheless, humanities, arts and social sciences disciplines are rightly proud… Continue Reading»

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Transparency Of The Higher Education Admissions Process
Submissions • May 2016

Response to the Higher Education Standards Panel’s Consultation on the Transparency of the Higher Education Admissions process

DASSH welcomes this opportunity to contribute to the Higher Education Standards Panel’s Consultation on the Transparency of Higher Education Admissions Processes. The principle which informs DASSH’s submission is our commitment to multiple pathways for admission to universities, recognising both the value to individuals, communities and the nation of access to higher education and the variety… Continue Reading»

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Inquiry Into Innovation And Creativity
Submissions • March 2016

Response to the call for submission to the Education & Employment Committee’s inquiry into innovation and creativity: workforce for the new economy

DASSH welcomes this opportunity to respond to the Education and Employment Commitee’s Inquiry into innovation and creativity: workforce for the new economy. Much of the national dialogue concerning higher education and the nation’s economic future tends to overlook the significant role and contribution of the humanities, arts and social sciences.

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Inquiry Into Australia’s Future In Research And Innovation
Submissions • February 2016

Response to the call for submissions to the Joint Select Committee on Trade and Investment Growth’s Inquiry into Australia’s Future in Research and Innovation

DASSH welcomes this opportunity to respond to the Joint Select Commitee on Trade and Investment Growth’s Inquiry into Australia’s Future in Research and Innovation. The focus of DASSH’s submission is on how the research and innovation sector, including the humanities, arts and social sciences, can better assist in overcoming Australia’s geographic, economic and labour challenges,… Continue Reading»

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