Australasian Council of Deans of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

Promoting the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities


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News • October 2024

New Research: The Honours Program

This week new research on the future of the Honours program in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand released. Honours education remains highly valued by institutions across Australia and Aotearoa but student enrolments are declining. This research which was presented at the DASSH 2024 conference has helped identify challenges and opportunities for the Honours program through… Continue Reading»

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News • October 2024

Aotearoa Noticeboard | October Update

Welcome to the Aotearoa Noticeboard Welcome to The Aotearoa Noticeboard. This is a bi-monthly supplement to our monthly edition which shares news from around in the sector in both Australia and Aotearoa. This is a deep dive on events, policy news, research and opportunities in Aotearoa New Zealand. If you have any resources, news, research… Continue Reading»

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News • October 2024

Conference Resources

The full wrap of the 2024 annual conference including slides and further reading is now available on our website. The theme that emerged from the discussions and sessions this year pivoted to the tension between authenticity and efficiency. Whether you attended the conference or not you’ll find some excellent resources here. The three-day program included… Continue Reading»

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News • October 2024

IRU releases costed recommendations to reform JRG package

Innovative Research Universities (IRU) has recommended “urgent remediation” to the Job-Ready Graduates (JRG) package which has seen humanities students pay nearly $50,000 per degree. The JRG changes in 2021 shifted the costs of higher education onto students, making student contributions more unequal, complex and socially regressive. The IRU Discussion Paper – Reforming JRG Funding Rates… Continue Reading»

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News • October 2024

The Noticeboard | October update

Welcome to the October edition of the Noticeboard, a monthly update with news and opportunities from around the sector. If you have anything you’d like to share with members please contact our Research and Engagement Coordinator Ellen Kirkpatrick. News from dassh That’s a Wrap: 2024 DASSH Conference A big thank you to the team at UniSA… Continue Reading»

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Conferences & Events

Dassh Events
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About us

DASSH represents more than 250 Deans and Associate and Deputy Deans from nearly every university in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. Our members lead schools that are home to more than 100,000 students and several thousand scholars in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities. We advocate for our disciplines, produce research and policy submissions, engage with government, members and colleagues in Australia and around the world. DASSH is a hub for members, with networking and professional development events held throughout the year.

The Noticeboard

Let us do the work for you. We know it’s hard to keep across all the latest policy news, opportunities, events and research with an arts, social sciences and humanities bent in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. Each month we put together The Noticeboard – it delivers everything you need to your inbox on the first Thursday of every month. Whether you’re in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand we have you covered.

Member Institutions