Australasian Council of Deans of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

Promoting the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities


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Noticeboard • July 2024

The Noticeboard | July update

Welcome to the July edition of the Noticeboard, a monthly update with news and opportunities from around the sector. If you have anything you’d like to share with members please contact our Policy and Communications Officer Rebekah Harms. News from dassh Impact & Outcomes We’ve recently released two reports highlighting the wide-ranging economic, social and cultural… Continue Reading»

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News • June 2024

Latest research in the news

Research Professional News reports on the latest research from DASSH. Read the article here. These reports highlight the wide-ranging economic, social and cultural impacts of the humanities, arts and social sciences in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. The humanities, arts and social sciences deliver direct economic benefit to the Australian and New Zealand economies and… Continue Reading»

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News • June 2024

Australian Tertiary Education Commission

Join us for an online consultation session on Tuesday 9 July from 11:30am – 12:30pm where we will discuss the functions of the proposed Australian Tertiary Education Commission. The government has released a Consultation Paper which you can read here. The Consultation Paper sets out ATEC’s role in managing student caps, implementing needs-based funding, and ensuring… Continue Reading»

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News • June 2024

Impact & Outcomes

We are excited to announce the release of two reports highlighting the wide-ranging economic, social and cultural impacts of the humanities, arts and social sciences in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.  The humanities, arts and social sciences deliver direct economic benefit to the Australian and New Zealand economies and bring with them huge social benefits.… Continue Reading»

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News • June 2024

Conference tickets on sale

Connected Futures: What Next for Higher Education, Research and Leadership Building on the success of last year’s Conference, this year we will explore the theme of connecting – connecting with other disciplines, connecting with community, connecting with industry, and connecting with each other. Join with colleagues from across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand in Adelaide as we explore… Continue Reading»

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Conferences & Events

Dassh Events
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About us

DASSH represents more than 250 Deans and Associate and Deputy Deans from nearly every university in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. Our members lead schools that are home to more than 100,000 students and several thousand scholars in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities. We advocate for our disciplines, produce research and policy submissions, engage with government, members and colleagues in Australia and around the world. DASSH is a hub for members, with networking and professional development events held throughout the year.

2024 Conference

Adelaide | September 18-20

Join with colleagues from across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand in Adelaide as we explore issues such as interdisciplinarity in teaching and research, partnering on policy, and the importance of community. All tickets cover the full three days of the conference, including a sit-down dinner at the National Wine Centre on the Thursday.

Member Institutions