The Noticeboard | July update

Posted in Noticeboard on 4 July 2024

Welcome to the July edition of the Noticeboard, a monthly update with news and opportunities from around the sector. If you have anything you’d like to share with members please contact our Policy and Communications Officer Rebekah Harms.

Impact & Outcomes

We’ve recently released two reports highlighting the wide-ranging economic, social and cultural impacts of the humanities, arts and social sciences in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. 

The humanities, arts and social sciences deliver direct economic benefit to the Australian and New Zealand economies and bring with them huge social benefits.

Graduates of arts degrees also go into a long list of exciting and diverse careers, all of which have an important role to play in a healthy, happy, and well-informed democracy.

The reports are accompanied by two fact sheets which summarise the key findings from each report. These resources will help you dispel common myths about the humanities, arts and social sciences and can be shared with students and parents at orientation and open days.

See here to access these resources and read more about the impact of our disciplines.

Consultation | Australian Tertiary Education Commission

Tuesday 9 July
11:30am – 12:30pm (AEST)

Join us for an online consultation session where we will discuss the functions of the proposed Australian Tertiary Education Commission. ATEC will have a central and wide-ranging impact on the higher education sector and it is important that we use this opportunity to shape the direction of the Commission during the establishment phase. This consultation will be used as the basis for our formal written submission which is due by Friday 26 July. If you are unable to attend, we welcome your written feedback, so please feel free to email us by Friday 12 July.

Register here.

In the news

Research Professional News has reported on our new research highlighting the impact and outcomes of the humanities, arts and social sciences in Australia and New Zealand.

Read the article here.

University Advisory Group review

A range of issues have been canvassed in submissions to the University Advisory Group’s review of the New Zealand university sector, chaired by Professor Sir Peter Gluckman. Issues canvassed in submissions include greater university differentiation, increased research funding, more collaboration with public and private sector partners, and reducing bureaucratisation. An interim report is due by August with the final report due by February next year.

Read more here.

Australian Tertiary Education Commission

The government has released a Consultation Paper on the proposed Australian Tertiary Education Commission, to be established in July 2025. The Consultation Paper sets out ATEC’s role in managing student caps, implementing needs-based funding, and ensuring greater harmonisation across the tertiary education sector. The paper also flags that the Commission will have responsibility for implementing national skills planning based on analysis from Jobs and Skills Australia as well as delivering new higher education quality metrics. Feedback is due by Friday 26 July.

Read the Consultation Paper here.

Managed Growth Funding System

The Australian government has released a Consultation Paper on the new Managed Growth Funding System for Commonwealth supported places, to come into effect in January 2026. Under this system, the government will place caps on the number of students that can be enrolled at individual institutions. Feedback is due by Friday 26 July.

Read the Consultation Paper here.

Appointment of independent ARC Board

The government has announced the appointment of an independent Board for the Australian Research Council. Professor Peter Shergold AC has been appointed as Chair of the Board, with Professor Susan Dodds FAHA as Deputy Chair. The establishment of an independent Board was a recommendation of the independent Review of the ARC.

Read more here.

National Skills Taxonomy

Jobs and Skills Australia has released a Discussion Paper on the new National Skills Taxonomy. JSA is seeking feedback on the National Skills Taxonomy, including around design, governance and maintenance of the taxonomy. Feedback is due by Friday 9 August.

Read more here.

Jobs and Skills Australia Information and Feedback Session
Thursday 18 July
Register here

DASSH will be hosting an information and feedback session with Jobs and Skills Australia’s Director of Tertiary Skills and Pathways Abbey Hall and Assistant Director Krisztian Baranyai for all members in July. The JSA Tertiary Skills and Pathways team has been developing a machine learning model concept called ‘skills mapping’ to test how the Australian Skills Classification can be used as common language to connect units and courses in VET and higher education, as well as occupational needs. The team will present the skills mapping concept, as well as work and findings to date.

Member gathering
Wednesday 24 July
Register here

Register now for our second member gathering for 2024. At this year’s Melbourne gathering we will be joined by Associate Professor Jason Lodge from the University of Queensland. He will be joined by Professor Mia Lindgren from the University of Tasmania who is co-leading the DASSH 2024 special interest group focussed on artificial intelligence. They will lead a workshop on the chronic and acute disruptors posed by AI to higher education – what are the challenges but more importantly, what are the opportunities?

DASSH Conference
Wednesday to Friday, 18-20 September
Register here

Join with colleagues from across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand in Adelaide as we explore issues such as interdisciplinarity in teaching and research, partnering on policy, and the importance of community. This year’s Conference will focus on connecting – connecting with other disciplines, connecting with community, connecting with industry, and connecting with each other.

Member gathering
Wednesday 13 November
Register here

Register now for our third member gathering for 2024. We will talk policy, provide professional development and give you the chance to talk to your colleagues from around Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand about the issues that matter most to you.

Join the DASSH Lounge, our exclusive LinkedIn group for DASSH Members where we share the latest news, jobs and opportunities from DASSH and around the sector.

The DASSH Lounge is reserved for members and is a great place to let people know you’re hiring, hosting an event or working on a collaborative project, so feel free to post any updates. You can also use it to simply engage with colleagues in conversation.