Catharine Coleborne FASSA is currently the Director of Research Ethics and Integrity at the University of Newcastle where she is also a Professor of History in the School of Humanities, Creative Industries and Social Sciences, College of Human and Social Futures, University of Newcastle. She has a strong public profile in the arts, humanities, and social sciences and her external engagement in leadership roles has focused on three main areas: arts and culture communities; social research, non-government, and social work industry partners; and technology, creative industries and future employers. Catharine is a historian and interdisciplinary thinker with research interests that span several fields, including histories of health, medicine and institutions, especially mental health and psychiatry, and mobility studies, colonialism and imperialism, and gender studies. She has researched and taught in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, experiences which have allowed her to grow awareness of trans-Tasman and Pacific research themes and student cohorts. She has experience in using archival data, oral history methods and practice, as well as writing for professional and public audiences. She has been a CI on major research grants from the Australian Research Council. She has been a PI on grants funded by the Royal Society of New Zealand’s Marsden Fund. She has also partnered with community organisations, museums and health services in research projects.

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