National Science and Research Priorities

Posted in News on 16 August 2024

16 August 2024

The recently announced National Science Statement and National Science and Research Priorities prioritise research into climate, healthy communities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge systems, the environment and building a secure and resilient nation. 

The Australasian Council of Deans of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities welcomes the focus on these important areas and the clear emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration. 

The Priorities emphasise technological solutions to big problems as well as greater workforce participation and adaptability and responsiveness through lifelong learning.

DASSH President Professor Nick Bisley said innovation, barriers to uptake of new technologies, to partnering with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and advancing critical technologies such as artificial intelligence are critical.

“The National Science and Research Priorities foreground solutions, innovation, an integrated and holistic approach and a better understanding of the social drivers behind health, climate and democracy,” he said. 

“None of these things are possible without a workforce that can think, communicate effectively, problem solve, be analytical or cope with constant change. Innovation is impossible without these things.

“These priorities will only be delivered through interdisciplinary collaboration and by understanding social drivers for change,” he said.

DASSH Members look forward to contributing to the realisation of these important goals.

Contact Jane Ryan
Executive Director
0468 632 044